God Wants You To Succeed

Aug 16, 2022

‘God gave him success.’2 Chronicles 26:5 NIV

Think about these questions and answer them honestly.

(1) Do you believe you can be successful and spiritual at the same time? Some folks equate poverty with humility and conclude that successful people can’t be humble. Not so. ‘As long as [Uzziah] sought the Lord, God gave him success.’ Success doesn’t give you the right to look down on others but, when successful people speak, others listen. Leaders like Joseph and Daniel influenced entire nations for God. The fact is, we’ve a message of hope others need to hear, but without adequate resources, how will they hear it? (See Romans 10:14–17.) If you’ve been settling for less, pray for greater faith and start aiming higher in life.

(2) Are you afraid of success? Perhaps you fear the pressures and the price tag that accompany it. Leadership is lonely; maybe you’d rather be with the crowd. Or maybe you’ve been knocked down and you’re afraid to get up again. When Thomas Edison was asked about his success, he replied, ‘I start where other men leave off!’ John Foster Dulles, former U.S. Secretary of State said, ‘The measure of success isn’t whether you’ve a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.’ Paul wrote, ‘We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going.’ (2 Corinthians 4:9 TLB)

(3) Are you satisfied with the way things are right now? If you’re not, accept responsibility for your life and take a step of faith. Ultimately the only one who can stop you from becoming the person God intended you to be—is you! Bottom line: God wants you to succeed.

SoulFood: Judges 12–15, Luke 14:15–24, Ps 119:81–88, Pr 17:27–28
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2022

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