Bob Gass - Author
UCB FIJI’s The Word for Today is just for you
It is also available through many churches around Fiji. If you need help phone, text or email us today.
Fiji is just one of over 30 nations around the world where The Word for Today is available.
It was written by Bob and Debby Gass in the USA, prepared by the team at UCB Asia Pacific in Australia, printed in China, and made available to you here in Fiji!
We don’t charge anything for your copy but we do ask for your generous donation. We’ve kept the costs as low as possible and your donation will not only pay for the printing and distribution of your copy but will also enable us to place copies in hospitals, prisons and in the hands of those who cannot afford to give.
And make sure you listen for to Life FM for news of when the next The Word for Today is available!
Find out more about Bob Gass
Author of The Word for Today. Click here
The Word for Today is available in Fiji, thanks to UCB Fiji’s partnership with UCB Asia Pacific…and THAT’s good news!