Does Your Loved One Need A Miracle Today?

Aug 15, 2022

‘Four people came up, carrying a man on a mat.’Mark 2:3 CEV

‘Jesus was still teaching when four people came up, carrying a man on a mat because he could not walk. But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof above Him and let the man down in front of everyone. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, He said to the man… “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.”’ (Mark 2:2–5, 11 CEV)

If your loved one needs a miracle today:

(1) Use your faith. Even though you’re praying for someone who may have little or no faith of their own, God will honour your faith on their behalf. ‘When Jesus saw how much faith they [the man’s friends] had, He said to the man… “Get up!”’

(2) Refuse to give up. Do what these four friends did. The crowd was a problem—so they went around it. The roof was a problem—so they broke through it. They refused to give up or get discouraged. Bottom line: if what you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked, ask God and He will show you the way. Doctors can treat people, but only God can heal them within and without, so bring your loved one to Him in prayer.

(3) Look for faith partners. It took four people to get this man to Jesus, so don’t do it alone. Find someone who’ll agree with you in prayer and who will be faithful and persistent in asking God for His help and believing that He is a miracle-working God who still heals today.

SoulFood: Judges 9:34–11:40, Luke 14:1–14, Ps 119:73–80, Pr 20:25, Ecc 5:4–6
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2022

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