Insights into Ageing (5)

‘The fear of the Lord adds length to life…’ Proverbs 10:27 NIV Respect for our elders has traditionally been a strength of our culture. However todays’ western influence sees this respect increasingly replaced by the worship of rock stars and sports figures. How...

Insights into Ageing (4)

‘The fear of the Lord adds length to life…’ Proverbs 10:27 NIV Don’t let fear dominate your later years. Don’t let life’s ‘unknowables’, such as finances, health, loneliness, loss of friends and family members, get you down. The Bible says, ‘…You do not...

Insights into Ageing (3)

‘The fear of the Lord adds length to life…’ Proverbs 10:27 NIV Ageing well requires that you stay flexible. The Bible says, ‘…Clouds always bring rain; trees always stay wherever they fall. If you worry about the weather and don’t plant seeds, you won’t...

Insights into Ageing (2)

‘The fear of the Lord adds length to life…’ Proverbs 10:27 NIV The secret of ageing well is staying young at heart, staying close to God, and staying fully engaged with life. The mirror isn’t your problem; how you see yourself is. Have you noticed how some older...

Insights into Ageing (1)

‘The fear of the Lord adds length to life…’ Proverbs 10:27 NIV When asked about the benefits of living to be 100 years old, one man smiled and said, ‘There’s very little peer pressure.’ Thanks to medical science more and more people are living into their...