You’re Part Of The Family

Feb 27, 2019

‘In love He predestined us for adoption.’Ephesians 1:4–5 NIV

We all have a need to belong, to be part of a family. One pastor writes: ‘I know couples with hearts of love who yearn to focus it on some little one, but no little one arrives. When these couples find children to adopt, they don’t tell the children they’d better measure up to expectation if they want to stay in the family. No, they accept them with open arms and joy-filled hearts because they love them. They take them into their homes forever, give them the family name, and make them legal heirs.’

Long before we even knew we needed God, He ‘predestined us to adoption as sons [and daughters] by Jesus Christ.’ (Ephesians 1:5 NKJV) Earthly parents get divorced, go separate ways, and start new families. But not God; you never have to worry about your standing and relationship with Him. Regardless of race, colour, creed, or background, when you repent and accept Christ as your Saviour, your adoption becomes binding and permanent. You’re part of His family. And to prove it, ‘The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.’ (Romans 8:16 NKJV)

Do you realise what that means? You never again have to walk around feeling intimidated and fearful, or live under a cloud of condemnation, because you are a child of God and a ‘fellow [heir] with Christ.’ (Romans 8:17 NASB) The word ‘heir’ means you can claim every blessing and benefit Christ purchased for you at the cross. Every single one without exception!

SoulFood: Exo 13–15, Luke 12:22–34, Ps 66:1–12, Pro 6:20–22
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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