You can Conquer Worry

Feb 29, 2020

‘…do not…be anxious about tomorrow...’Matthew 6:34 AMP

Most of the stuff we worry about never happens, or turns out better than we anticipate. Worry, like faith, is a spiritual force. Like a magnet, it attracts the very things we fear, clouds our judgment and distorts our perspective. God never intended us to carry tomorrow’s burdens along with today’s. So, here are three steps to help you conquer worry: (1) Replace it. Telling somebody not to worry doesn’t work. Worry is an irrational emotion; the only way to break it is to replace it. ‘…whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.’ (Philippians 4:8 NIV) In other words, switch the channel! (2) Dissect it. ‘…fear involves torment…’ (1 John 4:18 NKJV) Worry torments you; your imagination runs wild, coming up with all kinds of scary ideas. But it’s also illogical; when you take it apart rationally and systemically, it loses its power to control you. (3) Rise above it. A well-known pastor was flying over the Mississippi River one day when the sky grew dark. ‘We can’t see where we’re going!’ he exclaimed. Calmly the pilot replied, ‘We just need to rise above the ground heat, dust and smoke.’ After climbing another 300 metres they emerged into a clear, beautiful world. Corrie Ten Boom called faith ‘the radar that pierces through the fog.’ When worry tries to fog you in, you can rise above it by placing your trust in the Lord. ‘…those who trust in the Lord…will soar…like eagles…’ (Isaiah 40:31 NLT)

SoulFood: Gen 17–19, Matt 19:1–14, Ps 66:1–12, Pro 6:20–22
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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