Taking Responsibility And Risks (2)

Nov 29, 2019

‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’Matthew 25:23 NIV

In 1975 a low-level Hewlett Packard engineer called Steve shared a dream with his friend, also named Steve. It was about building and selling an easy-to-use personal computer to the masses around the world. The pair worked round the clock to create their compact PC. But when they offered it to Hewlett Packard, one of the world’s great companies, the powers-that-be at the time failed to see its potential and gave it the thumbs down. So Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs went off on their own and founded a little company called Apple Computers—and revolutionised the computer industry!

There’s no shortage of people who will tell you, ‘It can’t be done’ or ‘It won’t work.’ There’s a name for those people: ‘dream killers’—and if you listen to them you’ll give up before you even begin. Behind every major accomplishment you’ll find ordinary people with dreams, who are willing to take responsibility and risks. They are the people who enjoy the rewards! Jesus wrapped up one of His parables with these words: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ In spite of your failures, your struggles, and your limitations, if you’re willing to disregard the naysayers, step out in faith, and use the gifts God has given you, He will see to it that you succeed.

SoulFood: Josh 11–13, John 15:5–17, Ps 14, Pro 28:13–16
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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