Radical Commitment (2)

Feb 16, 2019

‘Take up your cross daily, and follow Me.’Luke 9:23 NLT

Let’s consider:

(1) Commitment at work. In the past, bosses valued their workers and workers valued their bosses. But today the workplace has become increasingly a place where workers resent their bosses and do the bare minimum, while bosses are often demanding and take their employees for granted. God’s way calls for mutual commitment. ‘Don’t work hard only when your master is watching and then shirk when he isn’t looking; work hard and with gladness all the time, as though working for Christ.’ (Ephesians 6:6–7 TLB) If you are an employer, take note who you represent—God.

(2) Commitment at church. Many people have a casual, cafeteria-style approach to church: they pick what they like and leave what they don’t. Jesus said, ‘I will build My church.’ (Matthew 16:18 NIV) And membership in it calls for a covenant relationship between believers: one in which we agree to encourage, nurture, protect, cherish, pray for each other, and fulfil our mission together (see 1 Corinthians 12:12–31).

(3) Commitment to Christ. Jesus made a radical commitment to us through His birth, life, suffering, crucifixion, and death, and He asks us to commit radically to Him. ‘Then He said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow Me.”’

That means you no longer follow your own wishes or will, but follow the Lord, His wishes and His will. That’s radical commitment, and it’s what God expects from you.

SoulFood: Gen 40–41, Luke 10:13–24, Ps 28, Pro 5:3–6
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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