Dear brothers in the Lord.
I just have this opportunity to send this picture of a young student of Nawote Rural Training Centre, having his short devotion through TWFT.
I was told that Principals/Deputy Principals/Administrators and Senior staff of Rural Training Centres around the Country have been attending special trainings in Honiara since last week. This will be their final week. I was told on Friday that one of the Senior staff by the name of Gabriel has been conducting devotions each day for the participants through TWFT.
Now those participants are asking to get their own copies. I am pleased that we will have new readers who will be going back to their respective Training Centres around the Country.
Dear brothers in the Lord.
Trust this email finds you well and safe.
May I thank you for your prayer support towards my trip to Simbo Island. It was indeed a very spiritually rewarding time for all of us although we narrowly escaped a sea disaster by crossing a very rough weather condition before reaching our destination on Monday evening.
Thank God that there is another new exposure and wider reading of TWFT in the outback Island of Simbo. A very rare opportunity for them to access such a vital tool for spiritual enhancement.
Below is a picture of United Church Ministers, Pastors, Chiefs, Church leaders and Community leaders.
Every blessing!
Dear brothers in Christ.
I received this picture from a Community Chief in the Southern tip of Choiseul province earlier this evening.This must be a family picture.
As I understand, he bought a few copies of TWFT about two months ago before he returned to his home village. A week before he left, I met him at Chester’s rest house in town and explained to him about TWFT and how he could also help promote the Ministry through the local congregations in the area. He was enthusiastic and excited about this idea.
He told me that there are 7 Church congregations in the area and that he would go and introduce the TWFT & Ministry as well.
I am pretty sure, he could have started.
I am confident that there would be new readers and exposers of TWFT in the Southern tip of Choiseul, in the coming weeks & months.
Kind regards,