The Meaning of Christmas

The Meaning of Christmas

During this time Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A little over 2,000 years ago, God sent his Son to the world to provide salvation for us all; the best Christmas gift ever given. You can receive this gift if you believe that Jesus died for your sins...

A Very Messy Christmas

I love that Jesus wants to relate to me – a messy bloke. He understands mess, and deals with it. Jesus lived in it. Jesus was born into a messy family, surrounded at birth by messy shepherds, to be the Saviour of messy people like us – the real mess of our sin. Take a...

Share The Light This Christmas

Who can you share the Light of Christmas with? Christmas is a tapestry of emotion — a celebration filled with care, kindness, and hope. It’s the joy of togetherness, where hearts connect and exchange moments that sparkle with warmth. As we gather, we share more...
Moving Forward in UCB Fiji

Moving Forward in UCB Fiji

This is a very encouraging testimony from Tomu who is our Station manager in Fiji, about how things are changing in Fiji and how he has been meeting with some key decision-makers, please continue to keep this in prayer for Tomu and the team in Fiji as they look to...

4 Ways to Love Better

I was recently talking with someone about some relationship struggles they were experiencing.  The need for patience was what we ended up with as a critical component to loving better. It’s very interesting, that in the love chapter in 1 Corinthians, it starts...