Finding Purpose In Your Work

‘God placed the man in the Garden of Eden as its gardener to tend and care for it.’ Genesis 2:15 TLB First, God made a man. Then He made a garden and said to the man, ‘Care for it.’ Perhaps you thought work came about as a result of the fall. It’s true, work took on a...

Christmas is about—Christ

‘They saw the young child with Mary His mother and fell down, and worshipped Him.’ Matthew 2:11 KJV He was born in the humblest of settings, yet Heaven above was filled with the songs of angels. His birthplace was a cattle shed, yet a star brought the rich and noble...

Are You Alone This Christmas?

‘The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.’ Psalm 34:18 NIV When you find yourself alone at Christmas, the sights and sounds that should bring joy can reinforce your sense of sadness and loss. There is no magic, get-well-quick formula; processing what you’re missing...

Be Generous With God

‘Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid.”’ 1 Kings 17:13 NIV Picture a mother and her child in a severe famine, with just enough food for one last meal. Now picture Elijah saying, ‘Share with me what you’ve got. Don’t be afraid; God will make sure you’ve more than...