This is a powerful testimony of a young woman that encountered God through The Word for Today, reminding us to be aware of how God may want to speak to us, either through His Word, through people, even through our situations. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME,... The following powerful testimony is from Tomu in Fiji… A women shared about her journey since she started receiving, her copies back in 2021. She shared with me how God came through for her during her most difficult time since being diagnosed with breast cancer... Here is a powerful testimony from Tomu our Station Manager in Fiji, when he visited his village just before the New Year. He shared about his Aunty Setaita and how she has been diligently using The Word for Today for the past 2 years. I met an Aunty of mine on Dec 31,... We have some exciting news… UCB Fiji’s FREE APP is now ready! With it you can listen to Life FM as we have put together a special online radio station that sounds like your local Life FM station will. Plus you can read The Word for Today and your Bible.... The Word for Today for 2022 is out and available from us and the usual outlets around Fiji. Do you have your copy yet? We’d love to hear how you are finding it. please let us know. "*" indicates required fields Your Name* Daytime phone number if you'd...