Stand Firm!

Apr 8, 2019

‘He persevered as though he could see the One who is invisible.’Hebrews 11:27 NET

The life of Moses can be summed up in two words: ‘He persevered.’ He persevered despite the contempt of Pharaoh, the mightiest king on earth at the time. He persevered despite the stubbornness of the Hebrews, who grumbled, blamed, and rebelled. He persevered despite the criticism of Miriam and Aaron, his own family. He persevered despite the negative report of the ten spies who came back from the Land of Promise saying, ‘The giants are too big, and we are too small’ (see Numbers 13:33).

How did Moses do it? Answer: ‘By faith… as though he could see the one who is invisible.’ He kept his eyes on God—not people!

Paul gives us the secret to victory in the battles of life: ‘Having done everything… stand firm.’ (Ephesians 6:13 NASB) Stand firm when your enemies seem to prosper. Stand firm when the wicked seem to be winning. Stand firm when big people act small and little people demand authority they don’t deserve. Stand firm when no one would ever know you compromised.

Spiritually speaking, where are you today? Are you feeling shaky in areas where you once stood strong? Are you giving in to temptation, fear, mood-swings, or the opinions of others because you’re tired of their disapproval? Stand firm! Moses endured even when he was in his eighties ‘because he saw Him who is invisible.’ (Hebrews 11:27 NIV) He kept his eyes on the Lord. He continually reminded himself that his sole purpose in life was to please the Lord, obey Him, glorify Him, and gain His approval. So the word for you today is: stand firm!

SoulFood: Lev 23:26–25:55, Luke 21:29–38, Ps 50:16–23, Pro 10:4–7
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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